Coney Island Hot Dogs are very close kin to the Michigan: a natural-casing dog topped with a meat sauce and chopped raw onion. The story is that it is the original Coney Island style dog, although other reports make it a native of the mitten state called Coney Island for marketing purposes.
It's awhile since I had a Michigan, so comparison is risky, but as I recall the Michigan (another geographically-challenged wiener) had a red chili instead of a plain brown meat sauce. I hope to confirm or refute that this summer when we get nearer to Michigan country up around Plattsburgh and Lake Champlain.
Mention of Coney Island hot dogs would be incomplete without a nod to George's Coney Island Lunch in Worcester, site of one of the most awesome examples of hot dog neon in the world!
George's provides a variety of quick lunches in a lovingly maintained (if somewhat dilapidated) structure on Southbridge Street not far from the public library. It's not really the place to go for an education in regional hot dog varieties, but they serve a fine lunch and it's worth a visit just to see the sign. They do serve locally made pickles and Polar sodas, and I had a Wormtown Pumpkin Ale with my dog. The dogs are Kayem, so you could call them local (Chelsea, MA) but I would not apply the term "artisanal" to Kayem hot dogs.