Lorna discovered this gem at the Mo Bay Grill, a Jamaican restaurant in Sebastian Florida. We were on a little one-week vacation during a lull in the Covid period, and we took the opportunity to visit her cousin Billy and his wife Judy.
I can find very little history about it. It's along the lines of a Bellini, fruity with sparkle, but it's pretty, refreshing, and not too alcoholic.
The restaurant menu description says strawberry juice but the online recipes say strawberry liqueur. Lorna's seemed to have strawberry juice, and I think that worked just fine. To be honest, I've never seen a strawberry liqueur worth drinking. I used strawberry juice in the recipe here; to make it, puree some strawberries and then squeeze them out through cheesecloth. You don't need a lot of it, and it's OK if it's a little pulpy.