Italy has 7800 miles of coastline, and many, many seafood recipes. Most of the country lies within a hundred miles of the coast; for comparison, most of New England also lies within 100 miles of the coast if you leave out all of Vermont!
Italy's Catholic heritage has ensured that there are many religious fast days where fish can be eaten, but not other kinds of meat, so not only are there many seafood recipes, but many of them are made interesting for holidays.
So it can be a lot of fun to explore Italian seafood recipes, except that there's an awful lot of Mediterranean seafood that is simply unavailable in New England, so you have to find local substitutes.
Here's my take on reasonable substitutes of New England seafood for Italian seafood:
Italian Recipe calls for In New England, try Sole/SoglioleSole or Flounder Skate/RazzaSkate Swordfish/Pesce SpadaSwordfish Tuna/TonnoTuna BranzinoBranzino can de found at Restaurant Depot Striped or Grey Mullet/CefaloCod Red Mullet/TriglieRed Snapper is good but much larger Eel/AnguilleYou can sometimes get eel at Christmastime Turbot/RomboHalibut Scorpionfish/ScorfanoHalibut PlaiceHalibut Tope/PalomboHalibut Porgy/DenticeHalibut Sturgeon/StorioneGet Sturgeon at Baza in Newton, or use Halibut Mackerel/SgombriMackerel Sea Bream, Red Porgy/SaragoHaddock John Dory/San Pietro Haddock Sea Bream/OrataCod Cod/MerluzzoFresh Atlantic Cod is rarely served in Italy Sardines/SardineSardines, especially available at Christmastime Grouper/Cernia? Hake/NaselloHake or Cod Salt Cod/Baccala, StoccafissoSalt Cod Salmon/SalmoneAtlantic Salmon Salmon Trout Monkfish/Coda di RospoMonkfish Anchovies/Acciughe Herrings/AringheHerrings ------------------ Spiny Lobster/AragostaSometimes can be found frozen Lobster/AsticiAmerican Lobster Shrimp/Gamberi (gray, red, or smallJust substitute what you can get, they're all imported except the tiny pink Maine shrimp (also Canadian) Spider Crab/GranceolaIn these waters but not caught, alas! All other crab/GranchioUse local crab Langoustine/ScampiFrozen Langoustine Squid/CalamariSquid Scallops/CappesanteSea Scallops Mussels/CozzeMussels Oysters/OstricheOysters Clams/VongoleLittlenecks Octopus/PolpiAvailable whole frozen at Whole Foods and Chaves Market, Fall River Musky Octopus/MoscardiniUnavailable Cuttlefish/Seppie UnavailableNote that Halibut substitutes for a lot of large, white fish with firm flesh and mild flavor. Many of the Italian fishes are smaller and cooked whole, which is impractical with a halibut. I selected halibut for the way it cooks and tastes over its size; if you really want to cook a whole fish, adjust the other ingredients to suit the flavor of the selected fish.