I love cream! And I especially like heavy cream from brown-eyed Jersey cows. I try to have the heavy cream from Vermont's Butterworks Farm always in the house. Others are available, sometimes even at Whole Foods, but I always have magical results with the cram I know.
All cream is not the same. Cream from Jersey cows is very high in butterfat, which gives it a noticeably more golden hue than the usual supermarket cream, most of which comes from the common black-and-white Holsteins. Most of New England's commercial dairies have Holsteins because Holsteins produce a lot more milk than Jerseys, Guernseys, Milking Shorthorn, Brown Swiss, and other older breeds.
Jersey cow cream is so rich that you can thicken it with a few good shakes (as used on an Irish Coffee), and whip it in no time at all. I love the stuff!